General Information

This is a special course at Harvey&Morris, after studying and taking the exam, students will be awarded a certificate from Cambridge Law Studio. At the same time, learners will be provided with an online account from TOLES.

Harvey&Morris "H&M" offers in-depth training in legal English and professional skills in the legal field.

Harvey&Morris "H&M", is a training and testing organization for the Test of Legal English Skills (TOLES) by Cambridge Law Studio.

English Training Program


The case of Pennzoil and Texaco

The elements of Contract

A breach of contract claim become a claim in tort

The commercial awareness of lawyer

Bankruptcy and process of administration

Introducing Boilerplate

An explanation of governing law clauses and counterparts

Introducing force majeure in common law systems

Donald Trump 's Litigation

The danger of copying and pasting boilerplate clauses

Implying terms and avoiding gaps in contract drafting

Severability Clause and Nordenfelt Case

Introducing Negligence: the duty to take care

The relevant of Negligence to commercial contracts

The law of tort

Stella Liebeck Case

The consequences of the ruling

The issue of vicarious liability

Vicarious liability and third parties

The fame of the snail

Parties and recitals

Defined terms

The operative provisions

Delivery of goods or services

Why contractual warranties are crucial in sale and purchase contract

Contractual warranties for the ownership of intellectual property

A breach of warranty in a commercial contract

Remedies for the breach of a warranty

When breach results in termination of a contract

Implied warranties in commercial contracts

Express and Implied warranties

Some conclusions about contractual warranties

Some more typical contract clauses

Some important commercial vocabulary

Termination clauses

An example of breach of contract

Common law remedies for breach of contract

Remedy of Damages

A significant rule on how the courts calculate damages

The story of the Hadley brothers

Reasonably Foreseeable Loss

Remote Loss

Direct loss and consequential loss when making a claim

The effect of case law on contract drafting

Exclusion clauses in commercial contracts

Excluding liability for direct loss

Intellectual property clauses

Retention of title clauses

Warranty, indemnity

Force majeure clauses

Risk and title

Term and termination

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